The seal of the Manuel S. Enverga University was conceptualized by former Executive Vice President, Dr. Tobias Y. Enverga, and designed by the late Mr. Dionisio Maniebo.
The inner circle of the university seal features a pair of coconut trees, a map of the Philippines, an open book, and a flaming torch with the phrase “For God and Country” emblazoned in an arc across the inner circle.
The trees represent the coconut industry, the primary source of livelihood in the region, while the map depicts the geographical area of the country. An open book below the map signifies the wisdom of the ages and near it is a flaming torch that signifies education as a light illuminating the nation. “1947” indicates the year of the foundation of the institution.
Surrounding the symbols is an outer circle that has the inscription Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, Lucena City.
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