MSEUF Office of Special Internationalization Projects
Enverga University has a distinctive hallmark of excellence in the delivery of instruction, adaptability to the individual student’s characteristics, learning styles, and needs, and adherence to the truth for the development of creative, proactive, productive, and God-fearing individuals who will help in the transformation of Filipino society.
Quality Objectives of MSEUF Office of Special Internationalization Projects
Enverga University has a distinctive hallmark of excellence in the delivery of instruction, adaptability to the individual student’s characteristics, learning styles, and needs, and adherence to the truth for the development of creative, proactive, productive, and God-fearing individuals who will help in the transformation of Filipino society.
The MSEUF Office of Special Internationalization Projects has programs that focus on alternative learning and understanding the global perspective while experiencing new cultures. The following are the thrusts of the office:
- To screen and nominate at least two students to an international university for a six-month or one-semester study program every year.
- To allow at least 4 deserving students to participate in a short-term Study and Cultural Exchange, International O-J-T, and International Practice Teaching Programs at universities and schools abroad at least once every semester.
- To admit and accept in-bound students from other international universities in a short or long-term exchange program every year.
- To recommend to the Vice-President for External Relations and Vice President of Academics at least 2 faculty members to participate in the Faculty Exchange Program and, invite faculty members from international universities through their international offices for a reciprocal activity annually.
- To visit at least one international university and conduct benchmarking activity once a year.
Implementing Guidelines for Linkages/Consortia
What are Linkages/Consortia?
Linkages or consortia are formal or informal contracts or agreements between Enverga University and a university, government, or situated agency locally or in another country, which provides for activities such as academic personnel exchanges, student exchanges or overseas study programs, exchanges of publications or professional journals and other materials, collaborative research projects or development or technical assistance programs.
Local and International Linkages/Consortia
Linkages/Consortium is an agreement that involves a continuing commitment of resources of Enverga University in support of cooperative activities. There are four types of formal agreements: institution-to-local or international institution, government or non-government unit linkages, on-the-job training linkage for students of Enverga University, and grants for faculty development programs and research assistance. Formal agreements must receive institutional authorization from the President. This process is facilitated through the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Office of the Vice President for External Affairs, and Dr. Cesar A. Villariba Knowledge Management and Publications Institute.
Direct collegial relationships among faculty members, administrators, and/or students of two institutions are informal affiliations and do not require institutional authorization. However, participants in such relationships are encouraged to inform the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Office of the Vice President for External Affairs, and Dr. Cesar A. Villariba Knowledge Management and Publications Institute in order to maintain an academic database of the extent of Enverga University’s linkaging activity.
Who Can Initiate Linkaging or Consortium?
Enverga University has always encouraged its faculty and non-teaching staff to pursue contact with colleagues at other universities, local or national government, NGOs, and industries and to explore opportunities for personal and institutional growth.
Who Can Authorize Linkaging or Consortium?
Administrative officers (directors, chairpersons, deans, etc.) may initiate conversations with their counterparts here and abroad and may come to a preliminary understanding. Consultation with the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Office of the Vice President for External Affairs, and Dr. Cesar A. Villariba Knowledge Management and Publications Institute for Linkaging or Consortium Programs prior to the initiation of negotiations is essential for negotiators to be fully informed about the nature of Enverga University’s relationships in the area and the steps necessary to conclude an agreement.
If the terms of an agreement involve proposals for support of research or other activities to governmental agencies, business or industrial concerns, or other organizations, the agreement is governed by Enverga University Policies & Procedures. In the case of proposals for external funding for international projects, the President, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for External Affairs, the Dean of the College, the Director of Dr. Cesar A. Villariba Knowledge Management and Publications Institute must sign for the institution.
Components of a Linkaging/Consortium Agreement
Written agreements
Written agreements are required for all international affiliations that commit institutional resources. Careful consideration should be given to the public statement made by the signing of such agreements. The signing of documents simply for presentation or ceremony, or for inclusion in a long list of linkage agreements under which no substantive activities are envisioned, is discouraged.
Each formal international affiliation authorized by the Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation must contain a statement outlining how the agreement contributes to the teaching, research, or community extension, mission of the University. This statement may be appended to the agreement rather than incorporated into its text. Potential categories of international agreements include:
- Cooperative Education Projects
- Cooperative Library Projects
- Student Exchange Programs
- Study and Cultural Tour Programs
- Joint Research Projects
- Joint Socio-Cultural Projects
- Joint Environmental Projects
- Joint Community Extension Projects
- Faculty Exchange Programs
- Publications Exchange Programs
- Internship Abroad Programs
- Technical Assistance Projects
- On the Job-Training Programs
- Practice Teaching Programs
All proposed international agreements must incorporate the following items:
- A brief statement of the general purpose of the agreement;
- A plan of operation;
- A timetable for specific activities should be included, if appropriate
- A designation of responsible officials at each institution for the ongoing management of the affiliation;
- Descriptions of the specific projects or exchanges that are to be carried out under the agreement, if these have been negotiated prior to the signing of the agreement. These descriptions should outline the mutual benefits, responsibilities, and obligations (i.e. scholarships, facilities)
- A review and termination. This clause should state the beginning date of the agreement and describe the intervals at which the agreement will be evaluated, how it can be changed, and how it can be terminated/or when it will end. Backing out of a commitment or terminating a relationship can be awkward.
- A design that allows for review and renegotiation after a specified period of time is therefore essential. The review process is managed through the designated offices of the university (President, VPAA, VPEA, DCAVKMPI, IL, or Dean) with each agreement being reviewed every five years.
Every signed document should clearly state the intentions of the parties and should define any terms that require clarification.
Two original copies of each agreement should be produced and signed by all concerned parties. Each institution should retain one original copy. It is strongly suggested that both parties agree to sign two versions of each agreement, one in English and one in the national language of the partner institution.
It is important that signature lines be provided for the highest administrative officers, i.e. the President of Enverga University and the comparable official in the partner institution; and the officials at each institution responsible for the maintenance of the agreement.
Forms of Agreements
In many cases, partner institutions may offer a draft document. Agreements may have varied formats As long as the written document accurately relates the terms agreed upon, any format is applicable. Samples of standard agreement are described below. Copies of other agreements may be obtained through the Office of the President, Office of the VPAA, Office of the VPEA, Research and Publications Center, and the Office of the Dean.
Memorandum of Understanding/Agreement
A Memorandum of Understanding/Agreement is an agreement or joint statement that confirms the intention of the cooperating institutions to work to develop collaborative activities related to research, instruction, and extension but does not make commitments to specific activities.
Implementation Plan
Implementation plans are the specific program arrangements providing for the transfer of information, faculty, staff, and/or students between the institutions for education, research, or related activities which would include the number of persons involved and the lengths of their visits or activities. Implementation plans confirm activities for a defined period, as stated in the agreement. Separate implementation plans may be developed for more than one campus, school, or department under the terms of an institutional Memorandum of Understanding/Agreement.
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