CES Principles of Development
Enverga University's community engagement, guided by CES principles, places a strong emphasis on focused problem-solving and the implementation of sustainable projects. By actively involving recipients as partners throughout the process, from planning to evaluation, Enverga University ensures the efficient and comprehensive development of the community. The approach prioritizes not only the successful implementation of projects but also the empowerment of individuals and families.
In the application of the CES Vision and Mission of MSEUF, some principles of development are adopted, as follows:
Principle of Community Organizing /Sector-Based Participation
It is always the first approach of MSEUF to look for possibilities of organizing the participants-recipients into cohesive working groups or sectors. Each organized group or sector has its own specific needs or problems to be addressed, e.g. out-of-school youth, mothers’ club.
Through this approach, MSEUF CES cooperators can easily implement projects because they deal with a focused group. If groups are organized by sector, it is easier to manage and monitor a particular group.
Project Sustainability Principle
After the community survey, some possible projects are identified as alternative solution to their needs and problems. Projects chosen to be implemented are those with high degree of recipient acceptance, possible participation and sharing of their own resources.
The provision of social and technical support is always a part of the project and that family solidarity and cooperation is always the major essence of working with them.
Principle of Partnership in Development
Recipients are treated as partners in development and for such they are called as “clients-partners”. From planning up to evaluation, they have a role to play underlying the philosophy that their participation in any aspect of management is vital to the success of the project.
Project Monitoring Principle
Every project is closely monitored using a standard evaluation system. The results of monitoring and evaluation activities form part of the information for plan adjustments and revisions, and re-planning activities. Also, it reveals the degree of performance each group had accomplished in the project.
Linkaging and Networking Principle
CES projects undertaken by MSEUF are eventually tied-up with other agencies, NGOs or POs that can also address the needs and problems of the people and the community. In this way, the client-partner feels that the concerted efforts of the different concerned agencies will make the project more successful and sustained; thus, the likelihood of project continuity is assured.
People Empowerment Principle
CES projects of MSEUF are Christ-centered and family-focused, thus, all projects are people-development oriented through Christian living and family solidarity.
Client-partners are made to realize that they are important elements of the society and that success or failure of the community in which they live depends on them. To be more effective elements of the society, they are extended assistance in preparing themselves for the future by providing them opportunities and skills to be more economically productive, socially adjusted, spiritually enriched, physically prepared, and intellectually trained to make and implement their own decisions. At the end it is hoped that they have gained a better perspective in life because they will have been imbued with the virtues of self-confidence, determination and self-esteem.
Institutionalizing Principle
Every CES project follows a time frame following a phase-by-phase strategy of implementation. In every phase of implementation, client-partners are evaluated whether they can be on their own. From the social education phase up to the technical training they are guided with the end-view of future leadership and ownership. Throughout the process, the adopted community is re-enforced by exposing them increasingly to organizational and management tasks, risks and problem solving, and the dynamics of leadership.
The MSEUF enters into a Memorandum of Agreement with a development partner, e.g. purok, barangay council or with any NGO, PO, government agency or barangay organization, as formal proof of co-undertaking to establish the specific roles and commitment of the two partners for development.
Principle of Volunteerism
Every MSEUF cooperator and the barangay counterpart for the CES project voluntarily gives support whether in terms of services or material contributions.
The MSEUF administration, realizing the efforts of the participants, gives some rewards and recognition for their achievements and accomplishments.
Principle of Coordinated Undertaking
Every department of the MSEUF submits a plan of action to the Community Relations Department. The Community Relations Department collates and puts all plans into an integrated plan of action. This is done to establish harmony of undertaking, smooth implementation and maximization in the use of time, effort and other resources.
Self-Reliance Principle
It is of prime importance to determine the degree of initiative the recipients will give in terms of participation because eventually they will be the leaders who will eventually take over the management of the project.
Self-help mobilization through self-reliance is instituted under the concept of helping them to be self-reliant or operate on their own. MSEUF can provide start-up resources and in in due time recipients are prepared to be independent and self-reliant in continuing the projects.
CES Principles of Development
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