Document Analysis of High Defect Rate of DCL in Model A LCM Operations: Basis for DCL Strategic Plan



XYZ is a leader in technology protection services, leader in handset insurance services and serves millions of wireless customer worldwide. In March 2009, XYZ setup a branch office in the country-PCT, Logtech Philippines is located at Carmerlay Industrial Park II, Calamba City. The facility houses parts recovery and repair, cellphone repair and inspection lines for remanufactured mobile handset of various models. The aim of the study then through the process of analyzing the potential factors that cause the high defect rate in DCL. This study do encourage the operation department to give a full description of their experience including the best alternative solution to reduce DCL defect rate and their consciousness along with a description of the situation. The researcher concludes that the production line flow process map of Model A in LCM operations include thirteen process from the entry of materials down to the final functional and cosmetic inspection of the output. The root causes of high defect rate in LCM operations are causes are the undefined life span of the blade cutter, undefined method of IPA application using ESD brush, and non-dumping of excess IPA during cleaning on LCD sides. The strategic plan to reduce the high defect rate in LCM operations covers three possible techniques that will be verified upon approval by the management team before its actual implementation in the field. As recommendation, seek the approval of the management for the verification of the proposed strategies to reduce the defect rate in LCM operations. Identify the best strategy in reducing defect rate in LCM operations based from the root causes. Determine the impact of the strategic plan to the overall defect rate in LCM operations.


DCL defect rate
LCM operations
strategic plan
root cause
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