

As regards to the proposed study, the researchers devise and develop a system using descriptive analytics to help the business in eliminating their errors and problems. This kind of analytics fits the system because it provides an accurate and easy way of monitoring sales in generating reports that will easy to view all the details of the business. It can also record all the necessary information of the business by viewing in forms of graphs, dashboards and monitoring information system (MIS). The use of graphs, dashboard, and MIS can easily recognize the sales report if the business met their specific objectives and goals. Further, it can view all the items order and supplied items that have been processed. The purpose of this system is to design a program which the researchers take into consideration a lot of factors like system software, files, database, reports and those that are visible to the user. The researchers assured that the programming design can easily be understood by its users. They also considered the most advisable hardware to be used for the proposed system. The project focuses on the development of a system towards the improvement of sales monitoring system of RXTINE General Merchandise. The proposed system will provide a price list, reports of daily sales, monthly sales and annual sales using descriptive analytics and official receipt. The price list will show the product code and the product description together with its corresponding price. The prices of each product can be seen through the system as long as the user placed the correct product code. The price list can only be edited and updated by the manager-in-charge. The employee can only search the price list and print if needed. The official receipt will be automatically assigned by the system. The numbers are a combination of current date and time to avoid duplication. The user can view and search the previews transactions but they cannot change or edit the details. The sales reports on daily, monthly and annually will be printed according to the user’s desire. It will produce a report on wholesale and retail transactions. The descriptive analytics is composed of different sets of graphs representing data collected from the database in the specific timeframe. Parts of the descriptive analytics are the use of figures and graphical representation for better monitoring. It also shows the total amount of the original and retail price of the sold products in each transaction and the grand total of sales.


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