Laboratory and Internship Performances of College of Computer Studies Students



The study intends to determine the relationship between the laboratory and internship performances of students from the College of Computer Studies in MSEUF SY 2016-2017 in different affiliated companies. This study will utilize a descriptive-correlational type of research method to determine whether students who performed well in laboratory activities also perform better in internship program. This will reveal whether the skills acquired in the classroom are greatly applied in the affiliated companies they are deployed. The students from College of Computer Studies must perform at least three out of six competencies during the internship program. All students who underwent the internship program by second semester of school year 2016-2017 will be included in this study and the each laboratory course is to be compared with their internship performance to determine which laboratory courses have significantly positive relationship with their internship performance. The result of the study will provide an assessment of the college programs, that is, curriculum, acquired competencies, and alignment with industry standards which will be the bases of the curriculum improvement and development.


internship performances
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