Book of ELIE: 3D Puzzle Adventure PC Game



Puzzle adventure type games are about solving the story of the game that will reveal the whole story at end of the game there are some scene containing combat, collecting items, solving case etc. Adventure game is about exploring, where the character moves from different places, collecting some item, conquer some quest. The Book of ELIE is a adventure puzzle game which is the player need to collect the required item in a certain level. After that the player need to locate the required main item that will lead you to the next level. Book of ELIE is a 3D game, with 3D scenes in each level. It is developed using the modern tools such as using the Adobe Photoshop, Unity 3D and Autodesk Maya. Agile methodology was followed as the system development methodology. After the development the game evaluate using a modified heuristics evaluation tool for playability of a game. It was rated “Excellent” in five (5) criteria namely Gameplay, Game story, Game mechanics, Usability.


Puzzle game
Pc game
Book of ELIE
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