Tracer Study of College of International Hospitality and Tourism Management for the Year 2020-2023



During the on-the-job training program, students work under the supervision of experienced professionals and are given tasks and responsibilities that are relevant to their field study. Students are also given feedback and guidance on their performance, which allows them to improve their skills and knowledge. when the covid-19 pandemic hits the Philippines, all the sectors become unmanageable especially in the education sector. Many learning opportunities are impacted due to this global COVID-19 pandemic involving in-person interaction. Almost most of the curriculum has adapted to an online learning format. This study employed a quantitative design to trade students of the College of International Hospitality and Tourism Management. The target respondents are the former students of MSEUF from the College of International and Tourism Management graduate from the year 2020-203 graduate students who experienced the online OJT. The questionnaires mainly focus on the experience, challenges, outcomes of the students, and employability. The survey questionnaires primarily focus on the different experiences of those students who undergo online OJT and how it has impacted their employment in the industry. A survey questionnaire is utilized for the data gathering, employing questions that answer the research paper.


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