Satisfaction on the Onboard Training Program of MSEUF CIHTM-CM Students: Basis of Enhanced Training Plan



Cruise management education is essential for preparing future professionals in the hospitality and tourism industry. The study at Manuel S. Enverga University Foundatiom students during their onboard training. This assessment aimed to improve the training program and overall educational experience for students in the College of International Hospitality and Tourism Management. Using a descriptive method and a self-structed questionnaire, the study included all 44 Cruise Management students who had recently completed their onboard training. This assessment aimed to improve the training program and overall educational experience for students in the College of International Hospitality and Tourism Management. Using a descriptive method and a self-structured questionnaire, the research examined various aspects of the students' onboard training. The study included all 44 Cruise Management students who had recently completed their onboard training. Data analysis involved frequency and percentage calculations, weighted mean, and the t-test formula. The study highlighted the importance of onboard training in achieving students' educational and career goals, emphasizing its role in providing practical experience and skills. Recommendations for program enhancements included incorporating cooperative education and career goals, emphasizing its role in providing practical experience and skills. Recommendations for program enhancement included incorporating cooperative education principles and collaborating with external organization. Factors influencing student satisfaction included a structured curriculum, comprehensive instruction, tangible aspects, empathy, and responsiveness. No significant differences were found between male and female respondents. To maximize benefits , students should engage in hands-on experiences, workshops, and career counseling, with regular feedback and recogniton of transferable skills. The study emphasized the need for comprehensive sessions on the cruise industry's dynamic nature, open dialogue, mentorship, and personalized support. It also acknowledged the College of International Hospitality and Tourism Management's role in preparing graduates for seafaring careers. It recommended longitudinal studies to assess the training's impact on career trajectories and job satisfaction.


cruise industry
onboard training
level of satisfaction
cruise management students
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