The Green Path: CIHTM Students' Evolving Perceptions and Commitment Towards the Use of Eco-Friendly Materials as the Implemented Community Extension Services of the College of International Hospitality and Tourism Management



The "Maroon is Green" policy is being implemented in the CIHTM department, while students still bring single-use plastic materials within the department's vicinity. This study is the continuation of the two previous studies titled "Going Green: The Adaptation of Eco-Friendly Products in the CIHTM Department of Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation as its Post-Pandemic CES Program" and "The CIHTM Students' Attitude and Invention towards the Proposed Community Extension Service Program on the Use of Eco-Friendly Materials." This study is phase 3, aimed at determining the evolving attitudes of College of International Hospitality and Tourism Management (CIHTM) students regarding the "Maroon is Green" policy. The study used quantitative methodology and a descriptive research design survey to gather data from CIHTM students enrolled in the 2023-2024 school year. The researchers used a simple-random sampling approach, excluding first-year students regardless of their course and year level since they did not experience the implementation in the implementation year. The study revealed that CIHTM students still have a positive attitude toward using eco-friendly materials in community extension services. However, the results show that the students do not have an established mindset about the implementation because the respondents still have doubts regarding the policy. Faculty members are encouraged to adopt eco-friendly materials and enforce stricter implementation for students by assigning a set of monitoring staff. MSEUF students are educated on single-use plastic's negative effects and encouraged to participate in community extension services programs or sustainable practices.


Community Extension Services
Eco-friendly materials
Maroon is Green
Single-use plastics
Sustainable practice
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