Level of Awareness of Maritime Students on the Cyber Security Management: Basis on Performing Cyber Security Training



Cybersecurity on ships has become a significant concern as the shipping industry becomes more interconnected and reliant on digital technologies. This delves into the multifaceted nature of cybersecurity management on ships, highlighting the potential hazards, risks, and threats, and the need for robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard maritime operations. The stydy aims to investigate the level of awareness of maritime students on cybersecurity management as a basis for performing cybersecurity training . The researcher used a quantitative research design involving online questionnaires to collect data from the respondents which are the 277 College of Maritime students of Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation. The questionnaire is designed to capture information related to awareness of students to cyber security management. The data is treated using the Weighted Average Method (WAM). The results of the gathered showed that the respondents exhibit awareness of cybersecurity management, including understanding cyber threaths, hazards and risk management. The data suggests a strong consensus among respondents regarding their understanding of cybersecurity incidents and response protocols, indicating a proactive approach towards cyber threat preparedness nad readiness to mitigate risks within maritime systems and operations. The major final output of the research is based on the data gathered from the study and focuses on formulating and performing cybersecurity training for maritime students to enhance skills and expertise on board.


Cyber Security
Cyber Security Management and Cyber Security Training
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