Design and Implementation of a Non-biodegradable and Biodegradable Waste Identification and Separator System for Mseuf Canteen



This study focuses on developing an advanced waste identification and separation system aimed at improving waste management in the Manuel S. Enverga Foundation Canteen. The system employs a cp,bomatopm of a moisture sesnsor and an infrared (IR) sensor to distinguish between biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste based on their moisture content and reflectiveness. Once identified, a servo motor actuates to direct the waste into the appropriate bin, ensureing efficient separation. An LCD screen provides realtime feedback on the type of waste detected, enhancing user interaction with the system. To evaluate the effectiveness of the prototype, field experiments were conducted within the university canteen. The system's performance was assessed by eight respondents, including two canteen cleaners and six students. The results indicated an overall average rating of 4.4 for functionality, 3.9 for efficiency, and 4.7 for effectiveness. These findings demonstrate that the system reliably identifies and separates different types of waste, contributing to improved waste management practices in the university canteen. The experiment findings show that the developed system is a valuable tool for enhancing waste management by automating the segregation process, thus promoting sustainability and cleanliness in educational institutions.


waste identification system
Moisture sensor
IR sensor
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