Development of a Web-Based System for MSEUF Quality Indicators for Instruction and Delivery of Support Services (MSEUF-InQIDSS)



This study focuses on development of a web-based system for MSEUF institutional quality indicators that will provide prospective students with relevant and transparent information about instruction and delivery support services. This web-based system is named MSEUF InsQIDSS can provide prospective students with relevant and transparent information about instruction and delivery support services from the perspective of recent students and graduates of school year 2016 to 2018. The system target to help students make informed decisions about future study by allowing them to explore different data presented side-to-side in either dynamic tables or systematic graphs. It was developed following the initial phases of Rapid Application Development (RAD) namely (1) requirements planning, (2) user design, and (3) construction. The system has 2 main users, admin and the public users. The admin users basically manages the back-end data of the system that includes, management of users, look ups, evaluation details such as area, criteria and its results for various academic department. The admin user also can manage enrolment data. On the other hand, the public user can view the site without login credentials. The system allows the public user to view details about the academic departments and its quality indicators. Also, the user can create shortlist of departments that can be compare side-by-side and see the difference. Although MSEUF InsQIDSS was successfully developed, the researchers further recommend to gather more data to establish rich records that can lead to better analysis. Also, the system can be officially deploy and established a link to the university website to cater more viewer and gather more feedback to further improved is functionalities.


quality indicators
web-based system
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