The Relationship of Personality Profile and the Celebrity Attitude of the K-Pop Celebrity Worshipper



The study aims to examine the relationship between personality profile and the celebrity attitude among young adults who are enthusiastic fans of Korean artists and idols. Specifically, this will address the young adult's profile and the level of celebrity worship they are in using the Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS), the entertainment-social level, the intense-personal level, and the borderline-pathological level. Also, to investigate the personality profile of the respondents through Eysenck's Personality Inventory (EPI). The study will use a quantitative approach and a correlational method. The respondents in the study are university students aged 18 to 22 from the College of Arts and Sciences in Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, chosen through purposive sampling. The study hypothesizes that (1) there is a significant relationship between the personality profile and celebrity attitude of a K-Pop celebrity worshipper and (2) there is no significant relationship between the personality profile and celebrity attitude of a K-Pop celebrity worshipper. The study's instrument is a descriptive survey and used two standardized tests such as CAS and EPI. The study resulted in the respondents' socioeconomic status being majority from the middle-class household. The gender of the respondents resulted in more females than males. The religious affiliations of the majority of the respondents are Roman Catholics, with 80% of the population. Data analysis showed that the respondents resulted to entertainmentsocial level. Thus, most of the respondents are extravert with the tendency to be neurotics and have high results on the lie scale in EPI. Lastly, there is no correlation between celebrity attitude and personality profile. It could be because they view celebrity worship as a form of entertainment and an escape from reality.


Celebrity Attitude Scale
Eysenck’s Personality Inventory
College students
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