BEYOND THE HAZE OF GHOSTING: Exploring the Perceived Psychological Impact of Ghosting in Digital Relationships



Ghosting is the abrupt end of all communication with another person without any justification or resolution. This study investigates the psychological impact of ghosting in digital relationships at Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation. It aims to determine the respondents' demographic profile, knowledge about ghosting, their perception of factors that lead to ghosting, and the effects on their psychological well-being. The study uses a quantitative approach, with convenience sampling and questionnaires distributed through Google Forms and social media platforms to 100 College of Arts and Science Students at Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation. Furthermore, several statistical treatments were used for the data analysis. The result revealed that there is no significant difference that exist between the factor affecting the idea about ghosting and the impact of ghosting on the psychological well-being of the respondents on digital relationship when grouped according to their demographic profiles. The majority of the respondents were women between the ages of 21 and 22, and they commonly use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Messenger for social media breakups. The result has shown that the respondents know the ghosting phenomena. Most respondents blamed immaturity concerning emotions or failing to fulfill obligations as root causes of ghosting. In terms of the impact of ghosting on psychological well-being, self-esteem, trust, self-worth, and interpersonal relationships were impacted by ghosting. Based on the results, the researcher recommends raising awareness about this pattern of behavior among those who meet people online. With these findings, the researcher recommended a Psycho-Educational Program titled Beyond the Haze of Ghosting: Awareness in Ghosting on Digital Relationship” as the inference to the result of the study.


Psychological Impact
Digital Relationship
Psychological Well-Being
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