L.A.T.E. (Last Attempt To Enter) A Side-scrolling Mobile Game for Android OS



There had been a number of researchers that investigated the functionality of Android when it comes to games. However, the main objective of the proposed project is to develop a mobile game for Android OS. To analyze in detail the process being practiced and applied in relation to the design and development of a mobile game and to design a user-friendly game that can be appreciated by different types of user. The research method used by the researchers is the process of Extreme Programming. The researchers gathered information from the different existing games, particularly on the issues and concerns on how to create a new game for Android OS. Extreme programming provides a set of techniques to guide the project in the right direction and embrace changes. To be able to come up a possible solution to address the existing problem and determine how efficient it will become, the researchers used data gathering instruments such as interview with the different type of game players. This proposed project will be achieved through the use Unity 3D as software programming. In addition are various graphic editing programs for the creation of game character sprites, level environment, logos, etc.


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