

The proposed system was designed for entertainment purposes and inspiration for all players, and developers. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) was seed in order to develop the system to analyze the functional requirements and to elaborate the analysis models to produce implementation specifications of the system. Use case diagrams, class diagrams, entity relation diagram and deployment diagrams were utilized to elaborate the systems functions and routines. JavaScript was the main programming language. It is used to develop every behavior of every game object. And it is empowered by the game engine called Unity3D. Based on the results of the evaluation, it shows that Efficiency belongs to the highest ranking, which states that the game was entertaining and has high quality among players, the game is user friendly and easy to learn, the game is playable and even beginners can follow the game flow. It is a standalone file which can be played in any computer with different Operating System and it doesn’t need any installation. Its features of the system can be easily used and transferable.


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