Effectiveness of Integrative Arts in Teaching Contemporary Arts to Selected ABM Students



This study was undertaken to measure the effectiveness of integrative art as an approach to teaching contemporary arts among selected ABM students. More so, it determined the learning factors, perception of its effectiveness, and the difficulties encountered by the respondents in using Integrative Arts in learning. The study employed the descriptive method of research in a university around Quezon Province. It focused on sixty (60) grade 12 ABM students in the region to shed light on the study. It made use of purposive sampling in selecting its respondents. Based on the findings, the demographic profile revealed that most of the respondents according to type were students aged 15-17 years old, were female, spending 5 hours and above studying, and were visual preference learners. Then, the factor affecting the respondents in learning contemporary arts through integrative arts was believed that this method has value and purpose to them, it is found that integrative arts were highly effective as it helps the respondents to stay focused while the teacher was presenting the lesson. In addition, it revealed that they were spending most of their time trying to perfect the imperfections of their art. This paper recommends to Strengthen the use of Integrative Arts by applying it in the learning process of the students to provide more authentic and personally meaningful learning; Consolidate arts standards with central subjects to build associations and provide engaging context; and Utilizing integrative arts more to engage students in learning activities that foster their ability to understand and learn in the classroom setting. This study produced an online module as an output that is designed for students to incorporate integrative arts activities in the learning process covering lessons for Weeks 1,2, and 3 based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies for Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region course.


integrative art
visual preference
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