UniQueCo: A School Finder Application for Prospective College Students in Quezon Province



A college visit can help a student decide whether or not they want to spend the next four years in that school. However, because of the pandemic, many universities implemented online admission and advertisement to attract prospective students in which the internet has become a big part of their college search. The project covers the development of UniQueCo Finder, a web and mobile development that can help those students who are having a hard time finding a school or university that would fit their interests and criteria Also, this project can help promote the college and university inside the Quezon Province to the prospective students. The system was developed using Agile Methodology in Kanban Approach to meet the requirements of the users and for implementing, designing, testing, and evaluating the system. study reveals that prospective college students with a e weighted average of 3.47 with verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree and school personnel with an weighted of 3.51 with Verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree. This means that the project met the criteria of ISO 25010 in terms of the Functionality Suitability, Combability, Usability, Performance Efficiency, Reliability, and Security of the system.


School Finder
prospective college student
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