Design of Ocean Wave Power Converter for Street Lightings



Many Filipino people are experiencing a vast change through innovations, with the use of electricity they can do almost everything but not all people are experiencing this like settlers found in an island of Padre Burgos, Quezon, not even the simplest way of electrical contribution which is the illumination. National administration states that if private enterprise cannot deliver even the simplest way of electrification, then it is the government’s duty to do so. Due to the researchers concern about those matters of electrification, they come up with the study on how to supply just a small fraction of electrical power to that said community found in an island. The researchers came up with a design of a power converter capable of converting energy from ocean wave to electrical energy by using a basic principle of energy generation. The system is composed of a fabricated gearbox that converts the rippling effect of the wave to rotational movement, a generator that supplies a DC power that the designed power conditioning unit stored in a battery and then subjected to power inverter unit to supply an AC load for utilization. The generator used is an old printer and the gearbox is from a fabricated manual toy fan to reduce the cost of the project, the designed circuit used minimal components to minimize heat loss from component dissipation, using an evaluation from a pre-survey results, the researchers identified the main issue of power utilization in a community of Padre, Burgos which is light. The testing, the researchers found out that the prototype can supply a small amount of power needed for the illumination but will require more unit.


ocean wave
ocean wave power
renewable energy
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