Local Tourists’ Willingness-to-pay (WTP) for Environmental Fee towards Development of Beach Tourism in Barangay Bantigue, Pagbilao Quezon



The study aimed to identify the local tourists’ willingness to pay the environmental fees for the development of beaches in Barangay Bantigue, Pagbilao Quezon. As potential beach tourism, it is important to develop, protect and conserve the area to be able for the future generation to experience it. The study applied a descriptive research design and quantitative approach. Purposive sampling was utilized to select the participants like the tourists. With the use of google forms data were gathered and analyzed using a statistical treatment like frequency and percentage, weighted mean and standard deviation, and multiple regression. To support the study, the Behavior Change Model and Theory of Public Goods were used to provide the researchers with a basis to determine the local tourist’s willingness to pay. Results show, as for the demographics, the majority of the respondents are 18-60 years old and were primarily female with a total of sixty-two percent and male with thirty-eight percent, and most are adventure tourists whose motivation lies in engaging in physical activities. The study found that there is a significant relationship between the level of awareness and the willingness to pay for environmental fees.


environmental fees
local beaches
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