

This study focused on the development of a Permaculture Garden Resort, a proposed project in Tayabas City, Quezon. Through the conceptualization of promoting food productivity in the agricultural industry, the intent also conceptualized on how to attract tourists to visit the resort and to turn it into a farm destination. The Permaculture principle is to develop a naturally occurring patterns and functions that arrange all the elements of a system to work together and to reach their highest efficiency through production and live stocking (Romani, 2013). The notion of this project is to provide the necessary facilities that shall accommodate the staying local or foreign tourist, arrivals and travelers, local farm animals in Tayabas, and the permacultural landscaping design that shall stand to cater the needs of the said garden resort. The purpose of the study is to develop a garden resort which would cater a comfortable staycation, providing the accommodation and learning facilities needed, the sanitations, and proper maintenance of the project for the visitors to have a stressfree day, both in having leisure time activities and learning about agriculture (Randall, 2011). With these suggested developments, the resorts’ services would stand out to other accommodating establishments. As an advantage of receiving a frost-free temperature of our grounds, beneficiary to our crops and appealing desires of feast and summer activities, agriculture can play a big part in addition to attracting foreign or local investors and visitors to Tayabas City.


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