Utilization of Solar System Scope Application in Learning the Origin and Structure of the Earth to Grade 11 Learners



The purpose of the research is to investigate the effectiveness of Utilization of Solar System Scope Application in Learning the Origin and Structure of the Earth to Grade 11 STEM Learners. This research study used a descriptive quantitative research design in which a false experimental research approach was chosen to determine whether learners who use computer-based instructional simulation, learn better than those who use modular approach. Data were collected from 80 learners of two sections of Senior High School in Lucena Dalahican National High School, with 40 from each class. The researcher prepared a written request to the principal. Structured survey questionnaire, pre-test and post-test in google forms were provided as the main gathering instruments. The researcher introduced the Solar System Scope Application to the experimental group while modular lessons were used by the control group. The researcher also provided a survey questionnaire about the effectiveness and the challenges encountered by the learners on the said application. Then, the data gathered were tallied, tabulated, and interpreted accordingly. The results were then transcribed, coded, and categorized for interpretation of analysis. On the basis of findings, the following conclusions were drawn; the demographic profile of the respondents revealed that most of the respondents were at the age bracket of 17-19 years old and majority of respondents were female; the respondents also agreed on the effectiveness and challenges encountered by the learners on the utilization of the said application; the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of the control and experimental group’s pre-test and post-test revealed that post-test’s MPS of two groups were high; and the T-test result of the control and experimental group using pre-test and post-test revealed that there is a significant difference on their performance. In the light of the findings, the following were recommended: the teachers and learners should encourage younger generations to take Senior High School to increase the number of learners in the school for them to learn with; the learners should utilize their time and learning of using any computer simulated educational application to serve as additional knowledge and an interactive tool in learning; the parents should encourage, observe and support their children in their educational needs; the teachers should incorporate computer simulation in teaching Science; the community should promote and help the youth in integrating computer technology as an interactive tool in learning; and the other researchers could use the research study to serve as basis and enhancement in their existing knowledge to their future research.


computer simulation
solar system scope
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