Inventory and Effectiveness of Learning Resources in Teaching English in Modular Learning



This study focused on the inventory and effectiveness of learning resources in teaching English in a modular learning. The researcher knew the learning resources used by the teacher in teaching English in a modular learning, and the effectiveness of these learning resources in learning of the students. Learning resources is provided by the teacher for the students in developing the good achievement to their learning. The researcher used quantitative descriptive study utilized survey questionnaire to gathered information about the learning resources in teaching English in a modular learning of the student in terms of demographic profile of the respondents regarding to their age, sex and positions. The data that researcher analyzed used a quantitative method or questionnaire is order to the needs of the students, teacher is provided various learning resources to supplement the modular learning. The result of the researcher study in the demographic profile in terms of age is 31-40 years old, while in sex the majority is female then in position the highest responses is teacher 1. It means that in terms of age the school has more teachers with the age of 31-40 years old while the school has more female than male teachers, then the school has a huge number of teachers 1. The researcher’s recommendations should the Department of Education in terms of age must hire the teacher who are older or have a master degree while in sex the Department of education should provoke the male individual to become a teacher then in position, the teachers where a low position must study a master degree. In part II in terms of Learning resources used by the teacher in teaching English in a modular learning the ranked 1 is the teacher provides printed modules to supplement the needs of the students while ranked 2 is the teacher prepares worksheet in teaching English in a modular learning then the ranked 3 the teacher provides Home Weekly Learning Plan in teaching English in a modular learning these means that the teachers are provided the primary learning materials which student needed to the modular learning to have a good learning outcome. The researcher recommended that the teacher should attend the seminar to address the primarily needs of the learner to their learning. In Part III which the Effectiveness of these learning resources in teaching English in a modular learning the ranked 1 is the used of Home Weekly Learning Plan helps the student to integrate the lesson properly. This means that the teachers are provided effective and appropriate learning resources in teaching English in a modular learning.


Learning resources
modular learning
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