Running Head: Pneumatic Spin Chuck



The main aim of the study is to make a project that will become alternative replacement for electric motor. The modified system will eliminate the old system which is the electric motor with controller. One of the major problems in equipment engineering group is the availability of the part for SSEC machine. The customer HGST personnel had advised the researcher to find alternative solution to the said problem. The main focus of the design is the piping system since it serves as an alternative for the electric motor controller. The researcher should determine the correct size of the piping to be use in the pneumatic system. The pneumatic motor selection or design is not an issue with the researcher because there are many available pneumatic motor in the market and the specification of it will be base from the specification of the existing electric motor. Through this study, the problem of parts availability has been resolved. Fact, not only the solving the parts issue, this project study will be the part of the cost savings reduction program being implemented by the company to be able to meet the annual revenue target and to the management. To implement the modified way of spin chuck assembly in HGST’s machine through satisfactory.


Spin Chuck
piping system
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