A Design of a Compacted Dough Cutting Machine at a Noodle Factory



The cutting process is the third process in making noodles, wherein the operator divides the block of dough into thin equal parts before transferring it to the rolling machine. When the dough is sliced too thick, it will take more time in the rolling mechanism. With this observation, the cutting process was considered as one of the bottlenecks in the Noodle Factory. Since it is also a manually operated process wherein the workers are using inappropriate tools thus affecting the employees’ safety in the workplace because of the annual operation of their cutting process. This machine is composed of several components like an induction motor, shaft, belt and pulleys, hacksaw blade, etc. Through the use of the said machine, it will help the employees in their cutting process. The employees will then have much more safe and effective equipment that they will be using in their cutting process in terms of making noodles. The researchers intended outcomes are to develop and evaluate its functionality, effectiveness, and safety by conducting surveys to the factory workers and validating the questionnaires using the Modified Likert Scale Method. And Mechanical Engineering concepts can help the factory workers have a functional, effective, and safe machine that they can use in cutting their compacted dough mixture.


Compacted dough
cutting machine
design and development
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