Perceived Acceptability of a Do-it-Yourself Travel Webpage of Lucena City Tourist Destinations



This study aims provide an empirical data and document to create a website related to the tourist attractions and activities in Lucena City as a guide for a Do-It-Yourself travel in the city. In in the course of the study specific questions are set related to the variables such as characteristics of Lucena City as tourist destination, the advantages, impacts and acceptability Do-It-Yourself travel webpage. Using a quantitative research design, specifically descriptive survey method, the data were gathered from 120 respondents using self-made questionnaires through the google form. The results were analyzed and interpreted using descriptive statistics from which the following conclusions were drawn: Lucena city has festivities and cultural attractions to visit with and that the local tourism enhances the cultural, visual and performing arts’; tourism development provide assistance to small business starter to featured their business; website affects tourist’s arrival and it can level up the city’s economy webpage is highly accepted because it provides higher engagement and involvement of information among tourist; independent travelers will be guided by website from planning to touring; it enables people to participate and enjoy tourism experience and further develop the tourism industry of the city.


Do-It-Yourself Travel
Tourism Destination
Tourist Attraction
Tourist Arrival
Website Development.
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