Real-time dual shutdown-enabled environmental monitoring system for cell sites

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Joyce Anne M. Britanico

College of Engineering

Mark Kevin I. Endonilla

College of Engineering

Carl Justin R. Ona

College of Engineering

Engr. Melissa R. Serrano

College of Engineering

Dr. Ronaldo C. Maaño

College of Engineering

Engr. Ulrich A. Divina

College of Engineering

Engr. Hannah A. Balmes

College of Engineering


Limitations in existing monitoring methods and delayed response times pose significant challenges within the telecommunications industry, particularly for cell site management. This study aims to address these issues by developing an advanced remote monitoring system that includes both manual and automatic shutdown capabilities for key environmental parameters, including water level, temperature, humidity, smoke, AC voltage, and current. Utilizing a Research and Development (R&D) approach, the system integrates GSM and IoT technologies to enable real-time data monitoring, threshold-based alarm notifications, and dual shutdown control. This modular, low-cost solution meets the demands of modern cell site infrastructure, offering enhanced accessibility and adaptability for efficient management and operation. The prototype system is constructed with an Arduino Mega, Ethernet Shield, GSM SIM 800l v2, DHT22, MQ-2, PZEM-004T, floaters, and the Blynk IoT platform. Rigorous testing—including unit, integration, and acceptance evaluations confirmed the system's functionality, efficiency, and effectiveness. Field engineers, directly engaged in operational testing, rated the prototype highly with weighted mean scores of 4.7 for functionality, 4.62 for efficiency, and 4.68 for effectiveness, as measured by a 5-point Likert scale.


Monitoring system
Cell Sites