OSAS, BED-GTO spearhead Psychoeducation Program Module 4
To explore the role of healthy communication in conflict resolution, with a focus on its principles, strategies, and practical application, the Office of Student Affairs and Services (OSAS) through the initiative of the Basic Education Department Guidance and Testing Office (BED-GTO) from the facilitated the fourth module of the Psychoeducational Program 'Glow Up 104: Navigating Conflict through Healthy Communication' at the EMRC Basic Education Department, Dec. 5.
Twenty-five students attended the activity where Sherie Anne Gayeta, academic support staff of the SHS, facilitated the program.
Gayeta emphasized that healthy communication involves the exchange of information in a manner that is clear, respectful, and empathetic. "It is the foundation upon which successful conflict resolution is built", Gayeta said.
Gayeta also emphasized that employing active listening, expressing needs constructively, and focusing on problem-solving, conflicts can be transformed from sources of tension into opportunities for positive change. Various concepts regarding healthy communications strategies and different communications roadblocks that may affect their relationship toward others were also discussed.
Before the discussion, the students were asked to answer a pre-test to measure their self-management. Afterwards, the presentation/discussion formally started.
At the end of the discussion, the students were given activities to help the students apply their learnings. The activity asked the students to list down all the 'Do’s and Don’ts' during communication and reflect on a recent conflict where they were challenged to use healthy and unhealthy communication strategies.
Before the activity ends, the students were asked to answer the post-test questions to measure their level of understanding and learning on the topic.
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This initiative supports Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3: Good Health and Well-Being, by promoting mental health care and addressing the diverse needs of the student population through specialized services. It also aligns with SDG 4: Quality Education, as it ensures that all students, including those with learning and developmental challenges, receive the necessary support to thrive academically and personally, and SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, particularly its target of promoting peaceful and inclusive societies and effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions.