HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training

Josh Mariñas

HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training

As part of its commitment to disaster awareness and risk reduction, the Health and Safety Office, in partnership with the Lucena City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (LCDRRMO), conducted a Standard First Aid and Basic Life Support Training at the Library Seminar Hall and EMRC Main, Mar. 10-12.

The three-day training, under the "Basta Envergan, Ligtas sa Kapahamakan" program, aimed to equip faculty and staff with life-saving skills essential for responding to emergencies. Participants included student organization advisers, NSTP advisers, and laboratory staff, who received hands-on training in first aid techniques, CPR, and basic life support procedures.

“This training is crucial in ensuring that our faculty and staff are prepared to handle medical emergencies within the University. By enhancing their skills, we create a safer environment for the entire Envergan community,” said Arby Lagman, Head of the Health and Safety Office.

Following the training, the University conducted its First Quarter Earthquake Drill on March 13, reinforcing emergency preparedness and disaster response protocols among students and staff. This activity aligned with the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) and emphasized the importance of proactive safety measures.

"MSEUF remains steadfast in its mission to foster a culture of safety and resilience, ensuring that its stakeholders are well-equipped to respond to emergencies effectively. Through continuous training and collaboration with disaster management agencies, the University strengthens its commitment to protecting lives and promoting disaster preparedness," Lagman said.

HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training
HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training
HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training
HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training
HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training
HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training
HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training HSO, LCDRRMO hold 3-day standard first aid, basic life support training

This initiative aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly:

  • SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being – Enhancing participants' ability to provide first aid and respond effectively to emergencies directly contributes to improving health outcomes and ensuring the well-being of individuals in crisis situations.
  • SDG 4: Quality Education – By providing first aid training and capacity-building programs, the event supports educational initiatives that equip individuals with essential skills and knowledge.
  • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities – Strengthening disaster preparedness and response capabilities helps build safer and more resilient communities.
  • SDG 13: Climate Action – The capacity-building aspect of the training supports broader disaster risk reduction and response efforts, which are crucial for adapting to and mitigating the impacts of natural hazards.
  • SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals – The collaboration between institutions underscores the importance of partnerships in achieving sustainable development and disaster resilience.