Social Media Management Guidelines of Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation

Social Media Management Guidelines of Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation

1.          Objectives:

These guidelines aim to establish guidelines and policies for managing official social media pages of various academic units, support offices, affiliate schools, and student organizations of Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation.

2.        Scope:

These guidelines apply specifically to the Facebook pages of academic departments, support offices, affiliate schools, and student organizations associated with Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation. Personal accounts of students, faculty, and employees are not covered by these guidelines.

Social Media Management at MSEUF is overseen by the Web Content and Digital Engagement Office (WCDEO), which operates under the direct supervision of the Senior Vice President.

3.        Administrative Settings:

3.1.      An account named Envergans Lucena ( must be granted administrative access to all Facebook pages managed by various academic departments, support offices, and affiliate schools.

3.2.    This account also serves as the administrator for MSEUF's main Facebook page, and having access to all other pages allows WCDEO to edit, moderate, or delete posts as necessary.

3.3.    WCDEO reserves the right to edit, moderate, or delete posts that do not adhere to visual identity guidelines or maintain an appropriate tone and grammar.

3.4.     Each academic unit, support office, and affiliate school must designate at least one social media manager to coordinate with WCDEO for any updates or changes made by the latter.

4.         Guidelines for Naming Pages and Custom Links/Usernames:

4.1.     Departments should follow the naming convention starting with MSEUF (e.g., MSEUF College of Computing and Multimedia Studies, MSEUF Office of Student Affairs and Services). Affiliate Schools should use their full names (e.g., Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation-Candelaria, Inc.).

4.2.    Usernames or custom links should begin with EnvergaU, followed by a dot (.) and the abbreviation of the academic department, office, or campus name (e.g.,,,

4.3.    Student Organizations can freely decide on their Facebook Page names and custom links.

5.         General Guidelines for Social Media Posting of MSEUF Academic Units, Support Offices, and Affiliate Schools:

5.1.       Academic units and support offices are strongly encouraged to share action photos or any images or screenshots related to activities or events organized or attended by their department or office.

5.2.      If a department or office Facebook page intends to share edited publicity materials (pubmat), they must adhere strictly to the temporary visual identity guidelines, which is accessible through this link:

5.3.     Action photos should be posted on the department’s Facebook page, while edited pubmat should be posted on the MSEUF Facebook page, only if the content is appropriate for University posting.

5.4.     Avoid using overly embellished language and default captions generated by ChatGPT or any generative AI technology. While generative AI technology can assist, its default captions are often too generic and overwhelming. The use of simplified captions with ‘active voice’ format and easily understandable words

5.5.     If assistance is needed in digital content creation, WCDEO is available to help. Ensure that all necessary forms are completed. Guidelines can be found at Alternatively, WCDEO can be reached via email at [email protected]

5.6.    All Facebook pages of academic departments, support offices, and affiliate schools of MSEUF are encouraged to post on their respective pages to enhance the online visibility of our University.

5.7.     Posts generated by the academic departments, support offices, and affiliate schools will be monitored by the WCDEO and can be a basis of content creation to be posted on the official social media pages and website of MSEUF.

5.8.   The designated Social Media Managers of any office should inform WCDEO through the provided e-logbook. All posted material must be logged in the electronic logbook, accessible through this link:

5.9.    Failure to log posted materials in the provided e-logbook will be considered uncooperative. For the first to fifth offense, a verbal reprimand will be issued. For the sixth offense, a written warning will be given. For the seventh offense, the Facebook page may be deactivated.

6.         General Guidelines for Social Media Posting of MSEUF Student Organizations:

6.1.    Student organizations of MSEUF can freely post various publicity materials related to their events, activities, or functions.

6.2.   The WCDEO understands that different student organizations have their own established visual identity, and they must adhere to it.

6.3.    The WCDEO will monitor their postings, and the assigned Facebook admin or social media manager should log their contents at

6.4.     Each organization is affiliated with Manuel S. Enverga University, and it is important to post responsibly. Contents posted by student organizations should be carefully crafted, and any misleading posts should be avoided. Kindly adhere to the MSEUF College Student Handbook SY 2023-2024, Revised Edition. Policy No. 7: Student Decorum, 7.9 Social Media Policy. If posts are disrespectful, misleading, or involve hate speech. WCDEO reserves the right to report student organizations that do not adhere to these guidelines, to the Office of Student Affairs and Services thru the Office of Student Organizations / Prefect of Discipline.