WCDEO Quality Objectives

WCDEO Quality Objectives

At the Web Content and Digital Engagement Office, we are driven by a steadfast commitment to excellence in every aspect of our work. Our quality objectives serve as the guiding principles that propel us toward continuous improvement and the delivery of exceptional educational experiences.

  1. Increase organic website traffic by 5% every academic year through the implementation of valuable content updates, improved user experience, and effective SEO strategies.
  2. Achieve a 5% growth in social media followers and a 5% increase in engagement (likes, shares, comments) on any social media platforms every academic year, utilizing creative contents, interactive campaigns, and timely responses to user interactions.
  3. Achieve 50% open rates and a 20% click-through every email marketing campaign through personalized and segmented email contents and compelling subject lines. 
  4. Encourage user-generated content (UGC) by initiating campaigns resulting in at least 2 UGC public uploads per month, showcasing authentic student and employees’ experiences and strengthening the University's online presence.
  5. Achieve a customer satisfaction rating higher than 3.5 in a scale of 1-5 every end of the semester every year for five years.