MSEAFI community conducts clean-up drive

These activities aim to maintain cleanliness inside and outside the New and Annex Building. Teachers, students and non-teaching personnel participated in cleaning the learning environment. The activity promotes cleanliness and enhances students sense of volunteerism.
This clean-up drive was headed by the CES advisers Mrs. Cristina Anareta and Mr. Clark Gagan together with the officers of CES, faculty members, non-teaching personnel, SSC Officers, and student volunteers.
Photo Courtesy | MSEAFI - CES
Edited By | Edgar Julian L. Nantes
The applicable Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for your article are:
- SDG 4: Quality Education (SDG 4) - By preparing the learning environment through the clean-up drive, the initiative contributes to creating a conducive atmosphere for quality education.
- SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6) - The clean-up drive promotes cleanliness both inside and outside the buildings, aligning with the goal of ensuring access to clean water and sanitation facilities for all.
- SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11) - The activity aims to maintain cleanliness in the community, fostering a sense of pride and belonging while contributing to sustainable urban development.
- SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17) - The collaboration between teachers, students, non-teaching personnel, and student volunteers demonstrates the importance of partnerships in achieving common goals related to education and community development.