Towards the fulfillment of the University’s Vision, Mission, and Goals, the following are the specific quality objectives of the OVP Administration:
1. Update all quality management system policies, procedures, and other documentation of the departments under the Office of the Vice President for Administration, one unit or department per quarter, and as the need arises. 2. One hundred percent (100%) implementation of the thrusts and directions of the office under the banner program of WE CARE to SHINE (Well-balanced Employees, Committed, Allied, Responsive, and Engaged to a Safe, Healthy, Integrity-driven and Neat Enverga University) for a period of two years. 3. Ensure an effective quality management system of the University’s resources as indicated by customer satisfaction of 4.0 on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the highest rating) every semester for the next three years.