A Proposed Waste Segregation and Recycling Center



Recycling centers are important components in the total recycling system. The aim of this paper was to design the main flows and layout of a recycling center. More specifically, to adapt and apply the green architecture for designing a recycling center. Several opportunities for improvement of recycling centers which include the design, layout, ease with the users, the work environment, conflicting needs and goals in the industry and industrialization. Combining all results from the research which consisted of different disciplinary aspects, made it possible to analyze and elucidate their relations. Waste assorting quality was recognized as the most prominent improvement in the recycling center system. The research was conducted through literature review on similar cases that showed recycling centers with sustainable characteristics, which also provided basis for developing the architectural design. For conceptual, technical and methodological basis, semi-structured interviews and field work were carried out. The overall aim of this paper is to draw combined, all embracing conclusions based from multi-disciplinary research on recycling center, focusing on working conditions, environment and system performance through proper planning and layout for the different kind of processing facility in a recycling center. In order to achieve these goals, systematized guidelines were adopted and grouped according to the following themes i) building ii) conservation and protection of natural resources iii) sustainable surroundings iv) thermal, acoustic and lighting comfort and social, environmental and economic issues. It is verified that there is a national demand for recylcing center to mitigate environmental and economical problem caused by the irregular disposition of different wastes in our surroundings.


waste segregation
conservation and protection
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