The OVPF supports MSEUF’s mission of providing quality education at a reasonable cost and alleviating the lives of the underprivileged through scholarship programs.
The University takes pride in its accreditation as a Donee Institution by the Philippines Council for NGO Certification, a seal of “good housekeeping”, attesting to the University’s practice of good governance, management, and accountability. The OVPF plays a vital stewardship role by ensuring that University funds are properly managed, safeguarded, and accounted, for the University’s long-term sustainability.
The OVPF partners with the Board of Trustees and Management in achieving the University’s vision, mission, goals, and objectives by (1) ensuring that the University has sufficient resources; (2) providing valuable insights on the University's financial condition, performance, and outlook; (3) continuously improving financial processes and services to optimize University resources and attain customer satisfaction; and (4) safeguarding assets thru effective risk management and internal control.
The OVPF provides leadership to the Accounting Department (including the Assessment Section) and the Comptroller’s Office; and oversees the Auditing Department and Treasury Department.