Since January 21, 1983, when I assumed office as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation went through a period of managed growth that built on the foundations already laid by the Founder-President, Dr. Manuel S. Enverga, within the capacity of the financial and human resources available to the institution.
We relentlessly pursued our drive for academic excellence that has reaped for the University recognition and inclusion in the elite category of the autonomous higher education institutions in the country today. We focused our resources on accreditation, ISO certification, and now internationalization, to maintain quality, efficiency and effectiveness, even as we continued to update administrative systems and practices.
We expanded our scholarship programs, allocated resources for faculty development, research, community extension and internationalization and have made our resources, both human and financial, available for the uplift of distressed and marginalized communities.
We have also established networks and linkages with alumni, industry, government and non-government agencies as well as foreign higher education institutions to draw best practices and assistance for the enhancement of the academic programs and the graduates of the University.
We will continue our thrusts towards improving quality, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and adaptability.