College of Computing and Multimedia Studies

@ Enverga University, you are F1RST in TECHNOLOGY

CCMS is one of the academic departments of MSEUF that caters in-demand IT courses that are beyond the standards. Started as Institute of Information Technology in 1998, became College of Computer Studies in 2003 and now named as College of Computing and Multimedia Studies continue to fulfill its vision to be a center of excellence providing opportunities to the fellow Quezonians and people from neighboring places to experience the quality IT education that for many can only be achieved in Manila.

Currently, CCMS is granted by CHED as a Center of Development (COD) in IT Education, making it one of the top schools in the country. Aside from being a COD, CCMS has the following credentials:

  • PACUCOA LEVEL III Accredited
  • BSIT ETEEAP Delivering Institution
  • PSITE Institutional Member
  • CISCO Networking Academy
  • SAP Business One Academy
  • Microsoft IT Academy
  • Oracle Academy
  • Acer Academy
  • Certiport Authorized Testing Center


The College of Computing and Multimedia Studies shall produce competent and innovative professionals or Technopreneurs in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry adequately prepared in the practice of their profession supportive of national development goals and standards of global excellence.


The College of Computing and Multimedia Studies shall be a center of excellence in delivering Computing and Multimedia education.
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Rodrigo Belleza Jr.



Bulawan, Darwin Kim Quiling

De Castro, Susana Cabañeros

Hernandez, Donabell Seranilla

Maaño, Roselyn Almanza

Oreta, David Eric Salagoste

Sinag, John Rover Ravanzo

Villamarzo, Cheeky Rose Antonio



Telephone Number:

(042) 373-4027

Social Media


Online Admission

Admission Steps and
Online Admission